Thursday, October 21, 2010

Comment on Old Dogs by a film critic

John Travolta and Robin Williams are no strangers to shamelessness. But not even they can walk away from "Old Dogs" with a shred of dignity - a mean-spirited, insulting "family" film that essentially pees down its leg and calls it comedy - comment by Nick Rogers Suite 101 on rottentomatoes

John Travolta and Robbin Williams are among my favourite actors and was looking forward to watching old dogs, but the above comment has scared me

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cost of extra Baggage on flights

Just spoke to a few Airlines to find out the cost of taking extra baggage ( above permissible limit of 20 Kgs) on flights and found out that it was frightfully expensive,  It is much cheaper to Airfreight it using a reliable courier like Blue Dart. As a comparison, extra baggage on Air India costs Rs. 300 Rs. a Kg for Bangalore - Delhi vs Rs. 50/- per Kg on any reputed courier

Saving readers 100,000US $

Original link to the post  Lucy Kellaway

Power posing and flattery beat an MBA any day

By Lucy Kellaway
Published: October 3 2010 20:23 | Last updated: October 3 2010 20:23
I am writing this with my feet up on the desk and my keyboard balanced on my thighs. Because the position isn’t terribly comfortable, I had better be quick.
The reason for sitting in this curious way is to test a new scientific theory that states that by assuming a powerful position you become more powerful. To sit legs up does not merely make you more impressive in the eyes of the world it makes you more impressive in your own eyes too.
According to research done at Harvard Business School, striking a “power pose” raises testosterone levels by an average of 20 per cent and lowers cortisol (the stress hormone) by a similar amount. Equally, sitting in a powerless way, legs and arms crossed, does just the reverse. Just as forcing yourself to smile all day has been proved to make you happier, strutting your stuff is now proven to make you more powerful.
The study, snappily entitled “Power Posing: Brief Nonverbal Displays Affect Neuroendocrine Levels and Risk Tolerance”, is not merely interesting in itself; it restores one’s faith in the utility of the work being carried out at HBS. Here is a dead easy way of being more successful that doesn’t involve putting your career on hold for a year while you spend more than $100,000 on an MBA. To make it, you simply have to fake it.
It is a study that the unhappy elder Miliband brother would have done well to have read before he decided to run for the Labour leadership. What could have been more testosterone sapping than to pose, as David famously did, holding a banana? Meanwhile, a picture on the front of the Financial Times last week showed the victorious Ed Miliband wholeheartedly faking it, gesturing expansively, while his poor big brother looked on from the front row, arms and legs crossed in a study of powerlessness.
This study answers a question that I have been puzzling over for 30 years. When I was at university, there was a man I knew faintly who was neither terribly bright nor hardworking nor obviously special in any way. The only thing that was remarkable about him was that even though he was thin and his feet were small, he used to walk as if he were enormous. The fact that this man now runs a well-known company used to astound me, but now I understand: he got into power posing early.
The theory also explains why women don’t do so well at work. It’s not so easy for us to sit legs on the desk if we are wearing a skirt. We aren’t good at gestures of power. And even though we might be skilled at fooling others, we are less good at fooling ourselves.
However, there is another, even more interesting, piece of research that I stumbled on recently that concerns something that women are excellent at: flattery.
A recent article in The Economist described a study done by Jennifer Chatman at the University of California, Berkeley. She set out to discover whether there was a level at which flattery stops working – and found that there wasn’t one. You can lay flattery on with a trowel – or even with a spade or a wheelbarrow – and it still does the job.
I was pretty sceptical about this, as I’d always thought shameless crawling was not merely undignified but ineffective, too. So last week I decided to put this theory to the test. I picked on six colleagues, each of whom had recently written something that I admired, and plied them with praise in increasing quantity.
I waylaid my subject, and started: “I much enjoyed your piece on ‘xx’,” and then proceeded to phase two: “I mean it was incredibly clever/original/funny/fascinating,” and from there to: “In fact it was by far the best thing that I’ve read in the newspaper – or anywhere – ever.” I finished off with: “I just don’t know how you do it. You are a total genius.”
In each case the smile got wider as the dose increased, and by phase four there was a flush of pleasure across the face. In three of the cases the subject told me in return that I was also a genius, an observation that I found myself inexplicably willing to take at face value.
I can, therefore, confirm that the theory is resoundingly, astoundingly true. If it works with cynical journalists, whose job it is to spot false notes, it will work with anyone.
Of course, dispensing flattery so calculatingly does not feel entirely comfortable. But at least it doesn’t give you pins and needles. I can now confirm that sitting with your feet up for prolonged periods may make you more powerful, but it also makes you lose sensation in your legs.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Professor Arul's blog

Professor Arul's blog

Professor Arul taught me in IRMA and brought an interesting perspective to the soft subjects - Organisation behaviour. His blog has a collection of interesting articles

Monday, September 20, 2010

3 idiots - Chetan Bhagat controversy another post

Just so that I can make an authoritative comment on the controversy , I read the book 5 point some one. Chetan Bhagat's writing remains ordinary . God knows how he is so popular. I have read two of his books now - "2 stages"  and "5 point some one"  and 2 Stages though also mediocre is far better.

I think Raju Hirani has been fair to Chetan, the film is based on 5 point some one, but Chetan Bhagat shouldn't claim more credit than that.

The Movie is an amazing piece of work , refreshing, humorous, has a point of view. 5 point some one seems to be autobiographical in parts or a mix of many biographies of IIT students.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

3 idiots - Chetan Bhagat controversy

Initially I felt that the Commercial film team of 3 idiots had taken advantage of Chetan Bhagat but after seeing the movie, the freshness and the humour of the movie could not have been written in 5 point someone. Earlier I felt that I should read the book before commenting but then felt that spending 5 hours wading through 5 point someone would not be worth my time.

English August and Namesake were completely based on the novels. The English August movie truncated the book substantially but the treatment was same.

The difference in the plot between the novel and movie is substantial and there should have been no reason for Chetan Bhagat to have felt aggrieved even if there were some similarities.

3 idiots - a must watch

Well it is already 10 months late to recommend the movie, but for all those who haven't seen it, watch it on Video, a really must watch, thoroughly enjoyable

It is amazing how each actor has acted his part, the attention to detail is just amazing

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

Driving Holiday - Jog Falls - Murudeshwar - Maravanthe - Agumbe - Sringeri - Horanadu

Recently went on a five day driving trip and covered Jog Falls, Murudeshwar a temple town on the West Coast of Karnataka, Maravanthe , a small beach again on the west coast , Agumbe a hill station in Shimoga and Sringeri and Horanadu temple towns in Chickmagalur district of Karnataka.

We set out on Wednesday 25th August morning and reached Jog after driving through 380 Kms on NH 206. We had earlier planned to stay on in a home stay close to Jog but drove on to Jog. Jog falls has quite a few accomodation options including the Karnataka State Tourism Mayura hotels and a PWD guesthouse. Though not much difference between the two we preferred the PWD guesthouse, which while was very spacious and the windows overlooked the Jog falls fell quite short on the maintenance aspect. 

Jog is best during the monsoons when the water flow is the maximum but the disadvantage is that it rains continuously and is very misty so the falls is obscured at times. The other disadvantage was that the steps to the bottom of the falls was getting repaired and hence we could see Jog only from a distance. In addition to the main Jog falls viewing area there are two additional sight-seeing points where one can get a good look at the falls as they start to fall into the mountains, and we visited both these points also.

We had originally planned to relax in Jog but the sad state of our accommodation made us  to move on. I have always had  a fascination for beaches and decided to head westwards.  While the distance from Jog to Honnaver on the west coast of Karnataka is just 60 Kms, the road is through the mountains and is full of bends. Since we started a little late in the evening, it was foggy all through and we made very slow progress and could cover the 60 Kms with a ( break in between )only in about 3 hours. 

Ambition: Why Some People Are Most Likely To Succeed

Ambition: Why Some People Are Most Likely To Succeed

RSA Animate - The Empathic Civilisation

Monday, August 23, 2010

An interview with Sivakumar , CEO ITC ABD in Network - Quarterly Publication for IRMA Alumni

Arpit Shah & Burra Naga Trinadh, both belonging to PRM30, are on a journey to meet IRMAns who are making differences. They were hooked up with Sivakumar, second batch of the two-year Post-graduate Programme in Rural Management at IRMA, and presently the head of the ITC’s agribusiness division. Presently Sivakumar is also on the IRMA Board of Governors.
AS & BNT: Tell us something about your childhood and education. What was Rural for you before joining IRMA?
SK: I grew up in an urban-like industrial township near Kurnool in the state of Andhra Pradesh. My father who was an engineer used to work in a cement factory in the township. As a school kid, I aspired to become an IAS officer, because for me an IAS officer was the district collector who was the local hero and the chief guest at all the functions that happened in the town. So, I decided to go for a 3 year degree course, which was a faster route to appearing for a Civil Services Exam, rather than a 5 year engineering course that my father expected me to join. I went to Silver Jubilee College in Kurnool which was known for sending out many of its students to the IITs, IISc, Civil Services and all the management aspirants to IIMA in those days. Initially, for me Rural was a scenic beauty, a holiday destination, or the grandfather’s house. Two key events occurred which changed my conception of rural India and probably the course of my life! The first one was when I joined the college’s NSS programme, and had gone to different villages for doing an economic census. I saw the real rural India and it came as a shocker to see the poverty and quality of life in the villages from close quarters. The other event occurred when as the Chairman of our College Students Union, I met with various politicians, ministers and bureaucrats for certain negotiations and understood Government beyond the District Collector. I then decided ‘IAS is not for me’.

Rest in Peace "Pankaj Davar"

Was deeply saddened to learn about the death of Pankaj Davar my boss in Shriram Foods which happened on 15th June. Pankaj was an amazing human being and a great boss.  He was put in charge of the IIIrd party outsourcing division of Shriram Foods and lead the initiative brilliantly. He truly trusted and empowered his subordinates and maintained a very friendly atmosphere. He was always eager to try out new ideas.

His death happened due to a very freak accident of being electrocuted from an old  washing machine which was plugged in ( but not switched on )

He is survived by his wife and two daughters. I pray that God gives his family the courage to recover from this unfortunate tragedy.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Wintel positioning in today's tech world

While the article focusses on the WINTEL relationship, it gives an overview of the current developments in the tech marketplace

Thursday, July 22, 2010

A very well written blog by Peter Bregman

Worth reading on a regular basis

Grow old along with me

"Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made. Our times are in his hand who saith, 'A whole I planned, youth shows but half; Trust God: See all, nor be afraid!'"

Friday, June 18, 2010

Why Facebook wants me to befriend Swapna Singh ( name changed)

Every time I open my Facebook home page I see some unknown girl whom facebook wants me to befriend.  What algorithm is facebook using, like today's girl, her profile doesn't say anything, the photo shows her with a 1 year old  baby in her lap . Sometimes it is some other single girl. Most of the time they are not even from Bangalore.

There is nothing in my profile , I have stated I am married to Sumika Mukerji with a heart sign showing after we publicly acknowledged our marriage on facebook. I have not checked that I am interested in "Man" , "Woman", I have not checked that I am in facebook for networking , friendship , relationship anything.

Why .......

Recruiting people / Buying Potatoes

I thought I would be off social media for a month, but something so egregious happened that I had to blog.

Just today a placement consultant called me for a position in a really well known company.  The first question was - Are you interested, no sweat off my back, I said yes, the 2nd question - what is your CTC, to which I responded that it was too early in the day. Then he  said that he  will send me the JD, and asked me to send my CV. Then again the same question " What is my CTC". I felt  that are we buying potatoes ( which also are not equivalent) that the only factor should be previous CTC.


Monday, April 12, 2010

Balance your life: Beyond the five-ball

Balance your life: Beyond the five-ball juggle

Posted using ShareThis

  • Don’t undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different that each of us is special.
  • Don’t set your goals by what other people deem important. Only you know what is best for you.
  • Don’t take for granted the things closest to your heart. Cling to them as you would your life, for without them, life is meaningless.
  • Don’t let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past or for the future. By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life.
  • Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.
  • Don’t be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect. It is this fragile thread that binds us to each together.
  • Don’t be afraid to encounter risks. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.
  • Don’t shut love out of your life by saying it’s impossible to find time. The quickest way to receive love is to give. The fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly. The best way to keep love is to give it wings.
  • Don’t run through life so fast that you forget not only where you’ve been, but also where you are going.
  • Don’t forget, a person’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.
  • Don’t be afraid to learn. Knowledge is weightless, a treasure you can always carry easily.
  • Don’t use time or words carelessly. Neither can be retrieved. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

All time great Dave Barry Column

I used to be a huge huge fan of Dave barry and this is one of my favorite columns. I think he doesn't write much any more. He has his own website 

The lord of the dance doesn't have anything on me -

Dave Barry

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Peter Norvig

Peter Norvig is the Director of research in Google and he has a simple website  . I  was sent to his website through a lifehacker link teach yourself programming in 10 years

Interesting website, worth a look . The post is also worth a read.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

She Is Beautiful Because You Love Her

I would have liked to embed the cartoon but it opens in the original blog. It is corny but what the hell this is my blog and not a facebook wall post which thrusts itself on all my friends home page

She Is Beautiful Because You Love Her

Monday, March 29, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

Walking with RC using Nike + ipod

Today walked with RC who has a Nike + ipod. A very cool toy , the ipod gives the current pace, the total distance covered , work out time. Found out that Sankey tank was actually 3.1 Km in diameter and we were walking at a pace of 9 minutes a km or 6.66 kms an hour. Really Cool gadget.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Empathy - Interpretation of an old indian tale

This is a story that I read probably in the chandamama magazine but I have heard it many times

3 thieves had just stolen a lot of money and then went to their hiding place and went about dividing the loot among themselves.  At some point in the night, one of the thieves by mistake put his finger in a crevice in the hideout and was bit by scorpion. As he experienced pain, he felt that since his friends had shared the good fortune of the booty with him, they should also share his pain, Instead of crying out loud, he started laughing and showing signs of joy and saying aha , aha , aha.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Sachin's double hundred

Sachin's double hundred in One day internationals is worthy to be noted. I am not a diehard Sachin fan but his achievements over the past 20 years are indeed overwhelming.  Given the fan following of Sachin it is very difficult to be even a bit critical, however my two bits.

In the period 2001 - 2006 or so I felt that he was something of a choker, Put India under a little bit of pressure and expect Sachin to deliver victory from the jaws of defeat and in a large majority of cases  you can expect that it will not happen and India will loose the match. However in the past 2-3 years , Sachin has been playing a lot more confidently and winning or saving matches for India.

A lot of people compare Sachin with Ricky Ponting and I don't have the time to compare the records but Sachin in his current form is a match for Ponting.

A very noteworthy aspect of Sachin has been his refusal to take on the mantle of captaincy. He let others like Saurav, Kumble and Dhoni take the mantle and concentrated on his performance in batting, bowling and fielding in the cricket field.

To conclude - A Salute to Sachin, may you continue to play to your fullest potential and inspire alll of us. I also particularly admire his taking on Shiv Sena. In the words of Satish Kaushik, the comedian in one his memorable movies, ( I don't remember which)  - " Ye aadmi Shiv Sena ke liye bhari padega".

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How constraints are good for you

On Sunday met up with Rekhi's in Freedom Park, a beautiful newly constructed garden out of the the old Bangalore Jail . To just show him the way back home, I escorted him part of the way to Cubbon Park. On the way back, we crossed Vidhana Soudha and took a U turn for going to Cubbon Park. Turns out that U turn was prohibited at that spot.

Well it was a Sunday evening light traffic and no harm done to any body , I took the forbidden U turn. Now Rekhi is a very rule bound person and would not violate any law, however probably he has decided to relax a little and followed me and took the U.  As luck would have it, there was a police constable who flagged both our vehichles down.

He asked us for our D/L and saw that my D/L was prepared in Chennai, Rekhi's was probably made in  Delhi and the constable asked if we were out of station and I said I was from Delhi and so was Rekhi.

I was prepared to pay a fine of Rs. 100/- or so but the constable started talking about a Rs. 500/- buck fine. If I had been on my own, it wouldn't have mattered, but getting a friend to waste money on a traffic fine because of my fault was very embarrassing. Left to myself, I would have bribed the guy 100 or 200 Rs. and gone my way but with Rekhi there, bribing was just out of the question . So both of us would pay the fine, whatever the amount.

So any way I got talking to him and said I was a consultant to the State Government and this sign prohibiting no-entry was not there earlier. Also I just casually mentioned names of a few Senior police officers who I knew, merely with the intention of paying a reasonable fine Rs. 100/-, 200/- or so and not Rs. 500/-. Obviously asking a senior police official to intervene to avoid even a cumulative Rs. 1000/- fine was also out of the question.

Well at some point of my talking , the constable said OK, don't bother, don't do it the next time and he sent us on our way without any fine. I  was so relieved; No more violating any traffic rules , ( except for parking under no parking signs, we will take some chances ) though the city gives you many opportunities for the same.

A picture of the beautiful freedom park 

Some bloggers who have done a good job of describing freedom park

Freedom park is designed by a young Architect couple, Mathew and Ghosh, who were selected through a competition.

Done That

Well, for the first time in my life I jogged for about 6.4 Kms ( atleast guessing) 4 rounds of Sankey Tank . Distance covered in 55 minutes. I have never been physically fit much and previous to this in 2007 I joined a Gym for 4 months which I did pretty regularly  and then it dropped of. In December I and my wife joined an Aerobics class for a month and ofcourse enjoyed it. The issue with me has been that while I enjoy physical fitness I could never get the time for it ( I know what you readers are saying) and stuff like walking or climbing stairs in our apartment is not fun.   The problem is that most Indian offices work late and by the time work gets over its 7.30 - 8.00 there is no place to jog at 8.00 PM.  I can wake up early but I feel morning times are best for intellectual exercise and not physical one. However thanks to wifey for the past 2-3 weeks got into the habit of going to Sankey Tank, though not very regularly. Started gradually 1 round about 12 mts , then increased it to two at 26 minutes . Yesterday I jogged for 30 minutes and today I set a target for 35 minutes. So I jogged for 35 minutes at a slow regular pace, and found I could go some more. Then I completed the IIIrd round probably in 40 minutes and I said a little bit more. Then I did 1/2 of the remaining round but felt that completing 3 1/2 rounds doesn't give anyone bragging rights which 4 rounds does so I pushed myself for the 4th round. It was Ok, light pace, I think I could have run another 10 minutes.  So all those couch potatoes, get off your A@@ and run, If I can do it so can you. All cheers to Wifey who pushed me to go to Sankey tank.

For those curious about the location of Sankey Tank, this Wikimapia Sankey Tank link will give you some idea, though the Satellite photo looks dated.  A picture is enclosed herewith ( as they say in Government letters)

Update : I always wanted my Brother to run, when he was staying in Oakland, he had a wonderful park surrounding a lake of 5 Km but he would never run. So I thought why not run 5 Km and show him that it is not difficult. So that was the motivation for running 6.4 Km

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


A wise person said that a person marries due to lack of judgment, divorces due to lack of patience and remarries due to lack of memory

ishqiya - Amazing Songs

Ibn-e-batuta and Dil to bacha hai, both a little different but amazing

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Facebook vs. Email

I think, facebook is some kind of club where you meet every one. While on email or phone, the communication is one to one. On facebook, you just throw the idea, conversation out in the open, hoping somebody may catch it.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Picassa 3 - Face recognition

The face recognition technology in Picassa 3 is amazing

Zen Joke

A Zen master was always advising his pupils to do only one thing at a time. One day one of his disciples found him drinking tea and reading the newspaper. The disciple asked his Master to explain the contradiction between the Master's teaching and his actions. The Master said " When you are drinking tea and reading the newspaper then only drink tea and read the newspaper"

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Coming Out

All my life I have been a bit suspicious of religious teachers. However Prasad ( photo below) introduced me to Rajnish and of all the various thinkers, Rajnish made the most impact on me.

From Prasad's Farm

Rajnish impressed me , because he asks us to question very deeply our motives for action and not take anything for granted. He also speaks in a very conversational style, introduces many jokes in his discourse .

Since I will be quoting some of his sayings , I should first start with what he he says about the power of context and he illustrates it in a wonderful way in his talk.

" A young man was drowning, he starts crying for help and shouts - Help, help, I can't swim. An old man is sitting on the bank of the river and says, - Neither can I , but I am not making a fuss about it.

Another interesting thing he says is about giving up bad habits and specifically mentions smoking . He says don't be unnecessarily proud about giving up smoking or any other bad habit , yes you will live for a few more years but you will do the same nonsense things for the extra 3-4 years extra that you will live.

( Update of 28/2/2012 - Since my father died of Lung Cancer, I have strong views on Smoking, Smoking kills you but screws your loved ones. They will suffer more than you by taking you for chemo and all that)

In another talk , some one asks him "Osho what is my purpose in life" He says " No purpose, you are not an object, a chair has a purpose, a human being has no purpose". The talk is quite long and he explains this point very well. 

Osho or Rajnish has been very prolific and many of his talks are available as CD's , DVD's , MP3's . Also many of his talks have been transcribed into books. Both these CD's, books are available in most book stores and the uninitiated can read / hear a few to decide for themselves.  The Itunes store has a osho talk in their podcast library and has a few sample talks which can be downloaded for free.

Friends from Kuppam

For the record I worked from 2003 May to September 2005 in the Kuppam HP i-community Project. The project employed many young people who belonged to Kuppam to work in the various projects of Kuppam. Even after the closure of the project many them kept in touch with me. I followed their careers over the past 4 years and I am impressed  by the success all of them have achieved.

Of the Kuppam Young brigade one of the most noteworthy has been Venkatachalapathi. Venkatachalapathi started his career in Bangalore selling Reliance post paid connections door to door to shop keepers in Bangalore. Soon he got a job with the HP service centre in Indra Nagar. His next job was with a partner to Wipro and he was responsible for tech support to one of Wipro's customers. Now he works directly with HP and manages MS Exchange Server for one of HP's overseas customers. 

Some of the others like Amar and Karuna whose photographs are included in the blog have also done well.

Amar was passionate about computers and after BASIX took over the Kuppam project, he was given the responsibility of supporting the entire IT equipment comprising of Computers, Servers, Wifi radio equipment of the Project. Amar now works for a BPO initiative of BASIX a leading microfinance organisation

Karuna after the closure of the project moved to n-Logue and thereafter to COMAT. In COMAT he was part of the team that established the  Nemmadi Project( setting up of 800 telecentres in Karnataka).

While it is a sad commentary that the Kuppam HP i-community initiative was not sustainable, it made a positive impact on the young people who were employed in the program and later moved on to better things in life

These photographs were taken on August 30th 2008. . The photograph on the top is of the Neelamma the Village Photographer. The photo below Neelamma is of Karuna and his bride lavanya . Karuna got married on 20th August. The photo in the bottom is of Amar and his wife Krishnaveni, Amar and Krishnaveni got married in February . 

For more information on Kuppam Kuppam Factoids

For information on the Kuppam HP i-community program Kuppam HP i-community