Saturday, May 10, 2014

My Super Mom

My Mother was the youngest of three sisters and grew up in an affectionate extended family in West Bengal where everyone wanted to help and support her. Predictably, one day, she had to  leave her father’s home to get married. In March 1967, she married my father, an Air Force Officer who took her to his home in Belgaum, 2000 kms away from Calcutta and she had set up and managed home initially for the two of them. Over the next 13 years as typically of the life an Air Force Officer’s wife she kept moving with her husband from place to place as per the Air Force postings. Along the way she gave birth to two sons and brought them up.
In 1980 my father was posted to New Delhi and it was felt that there was need for some additional income in the family and Delhi also offered opportunities for my mother. My mother took up the challenge and first she undertook nursery training and got a job as a Nursery teacher. She later completed her B.Ed. to get a job as a fulltime teacher in Air Force Bal Bharti School. It was truly an accomplishment for her to undertake studies at the age of 40 and start working at this late age, having never worked at all. As typical of all working moms, she would wake up early, prepare food for all of us and then board her bus to take her to school.
In September 2010, very suddenly my father was diagnosed with lung cancer and succumbed to a botched up operation within 2 months. While I was with my father during his operation and later during the funeral and mourning, but I had to get back to my new job, which I had just joined a month back. Despite the fact that I couldn’t do help much initially, my mother handled all the tasks that enabled her to live by herself after the loss of her husband.

As mentioned initially, being the youngest sister, my mother’s parents and her elder sisters always looked upon her as a little girl who needed to be helped, but by looking after herself in various circumstances of life, she has proved herself to be a true heroine.


  1. Great stuff Anirban. We'd like to feature your story in the OlaCabs Mother's Day special. Can you share a number we can reach out to you at?

    1. Thanks Varsha for your gracious reply,my telephone number is +91 8800915588
